Co-operation with the DEMOS project

On 4 December 2019, the POPREBEL team members at Corvinus University presented their concept papers and research materials completed during the first year of the project. In the audience were leading researchers from the DEMOS project, which is also funded also by Horizon2020, as well as ESRs from FATIGUE, POPREBEL’s co-project. Moreover, the Hungarian executive of Transparency International also attended the workshop.
The meeting proved to be an excellent opportunity to discuss the main findings of the POPREBEL concept papers, which seemed to dovetail with the main research strands of the DEMOS project. DEMOS focuses on citizens’ ‘efficacy’, i.e. their ability to influence the economic or political structures ‘above’ them. This research narrative complements that of the POPREBEL projects conducted by researchers at Corvinus, which focus on personal coordination mechanisms that avoid (or replace) impersonal institutions of economic and political coordination.
At the end of the workshop, the representatives of DEMOS discussed the possibility of producing joint or coordinated publications.
The programme of the workshop can be found below: