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Carlos Gómez del Tronco

ESR 11: Cultures of reaction: anti-migrant feeling (UCL)

Carlos’ research project explores how and why Islamophobia became normalised in Czechia at around 2015. Particularly, his research investigates the nature, causes and dynamics of anti-Muslim attitudes among Czech citizens, as well as focusing on the changing characteristics of Islamophobic political discourse between the years 2013-2015.

Before starting his PhD, Carlos earned a MA in International Relations and European Studies from Metropolitan University Prague and a BA in Media Communication from  Carlos III University in Madrid.

Carlos is supervised by Prof. Anne White and Prof. Richard Mole at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies. As part of FATIGUE, he spent a year in secondment in Prague, where he was supervised by A/Prof. Kateřina Králová at Charles University, and worked for the Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations in the Czech Republic.


Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @GomezdelTronco

Work in Progress:

The mainstreaming of Islamophobia in Czech political discourse, 2010-2020: strategies, ideologies and processes

Blog posts:

April 2020: Reinventing ways to preserve Easter traditions in Czechia and Romania

Conference presentations:

17/9/2021 (paper presenter) “‘Muslims’ as a category of practice in the study of Islamophobia in Czechia” at Reimagining ‘The Heart of Europe’ Conference, organised by the UK Czechoslovak Studies Network, virtual event

3/9/2021 (paper presenter) “Searching for the ‘Muslims’ in Islamophobia: notes from social cognition and the everyday racialisation of ‘Muslims’ in Czechia” at ECPR General Conference 2021, virtual event

8/10/2020 (guest speaker) “The mainstreaming of Islamophobia in Czechia: Contextualising 2015” at Muslim Migrants in Europe – Overcoming Social Stigma Conference, Krakow (Poland)

Workshop/seminar presentations:

30/3/2021 (presenter and participant) “El mainstreaming de la Islamophobia en el discurso político checo” at Advanced Seminar of Discourse Studies (SAED), Centre of Discourse Studies (2 February to 22 June 2021), virtual seminar

23/3/2021 (presenter) “Islamophobia beyond surveys: anti-Muslim prejudice in Czechia according to Czech citizens” at FATIGUE-POPREBEL Seminar Series, virtual event

28/8/2020 (facilitator) “The Discourse-Historical Approach. Exercise on Islamophobic texts” at workshop for Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations, Prague (Czechia)

11/6/2020 (presenter) “The mainstreaming of Islamophobia in Czech political discourse,  2010-2020: strategies, ideologies and processes” at Migrace a Veřejné Mínění Workshop [Migration and Public Opinion Workshop], Prague (Czechia)

23/4/2020 (presenter) “The mainstreaming of Islamophobia in Czech political discourse, 2010-2020: strategies, ideologies and processes” at Workshop for Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations, Prague (Czechia)

23/5/2019 (presenter) “How the fear of Muslim refugees and Islamophobia stole the Czech political agenda” at UCL SSEES Seminar Series, London (UK)


21/2/2022 (lecturer) “Islamophobia: concept causes and politicisation”, Understanding Society: Introduction to Political Sociology, BA module at UCL SSEES

2020/2021 Teaching Assistant, Understanding Society: Introduction to Political Sociology, BA module at UCL SSEES