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Dr Gábor Vigvári

Assistant Professor

Institute of World Economy, Corvinus University of Budapest

WP1 and WP5 ResearcheráriGábor

POPREBEL project

Within this project I shall look at the impact of globalisation on the livelihoods of the population of Central and Eastern Europe with special emphasis on whether globalisation had exacerbated the living standards and prospects of the average working age citizen. The goal is to find a connection between globalisation’s impact and an increase of a demand for populism.


  • Vigvári, G. (2017) ‘Transforming a trilemma into a dilemma: A political economic approach to the recent crises in Europe’, Annals of the University of Oradea Economic Science, 26(1), pp. 713-722
  • Vigvári, G. (2011) ‘A nemzetközi rezsimek elmélete: egy politikai gazdaságtani megközelítés (The theories of international regimes. A political economic approach)’, Külügyi Szemle, 10(3), pp. 149-174
  • Vigvári, G. (2008) ‘Polányi “kettős mozgása” a globalizáció folyamatában (Polanyi’s ‘double movement’ in the globalization process)’ in Kotosz, B. and Pál, T. (eds) 60 éves a Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem: A Jubileumi Tudományos Konferencia alkalmából készült tanulmányok. Budapest: Aula, pp. 83-101

Work in Progress:

‘Disembeddedness in Central and Eastern Europe: a Polanyian approach to emerging populism’

‘Re-embedding neoliberalism: neoliberal populism in ECE’