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Dr Ljiljana Dobrovšak

Scientific adviser at the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences in Zagreb

WP4 researcher

Ljiljana Dobrovšak contributes to WP4 (Politics) to Task 4.2 ’History of populist political parties in Yugoslavia and post-Yugoslav states’ along with Haris Dajc and other reserachers. She will also contribute to reports resulting from WP4.  She is the author of five books, editor of five more and of one exhibition catalogue, as well as author of 66 papers in academic journals and publications.


1.         Dobrovšak, Lj., (2010), National minorities ih the County of Vukovar-Srijem in 1991 and 2001 censuses The Proceedings: Peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region: scientific, empirical and experiential insights, ed. Živić, D., Cvikić, S., Zagreb-Vukovar, 2010, 215-225.

2.         Dobrovšak, Lj., (2014) Hrvatska historiografija i manjinske teme od 1990. do danas – selektivna bibliografija / Croatian historiography and Works on minority topics from 1990 to Day- a selective bibliography, The Proceedings: Serb-Croat political relations in the 20th Century – identity protection / Srpsko – hrvatski politički odnosi u 20. veku- zaštita identiteta, ed. Gavrilović, D., Golubić, Novi Sad, 45-60

3.         Rihtar S., Dobrovšak, Lj., Franc, R., (2015) The Share of National Minorities in the Public Sector in the Republic of Croatia: The Situation in 2011, in The proceedings, National Minorities in Croatia and Croats as a Minority- European Challanges, ed. Dobrovšak, Lj., Žebec Šilj, I., Zagreb, 253- 284.

4.         Dobrovšak, Lj., Žebec Šilj, I. (2015), Zbornik radova Nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj i Hrvati kao manjina – europski izazovi / The proceedings: National Minorities in Croatia, and Croats as a Minority- European Challenges ed. Dobrovšak, Lj., Žebec Šilj, I. Zagreb, 2015.

5.        Lipovčan S., Dobrovšak Lj., (2005), Zbornik radova Hrvatska historiografija XX. stoljeća; Između znanstvenih paradigmi i ideoloških zahtjeva / The Proceedings: Croatian historiography of the 20th century: between scientific paradigms and ideological requirements ed.  Lipovčan S., Dobrovšak Lj., Zagreb, 2005.