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Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj

Assistant Professor at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University

WP1 and WP3 Researcher

In WP1, Łucja Piekarska-Duraj will contribute to case studies illustrating various aspects of neo-traditionalism, in particular the link between various expressions of Catholic religiosity, especially in its most extreme forms,  and nationalist conservatism in Poland. Together with Agnieszka Sadecka, she is responsible for Task 3.9 in WP3, which aims at analysing images of the Self and of the Other in Polish public discourses, and more specifically, will focus on the understanding of the notion of Self through heritage narratives in Polish museums.


  • Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. (2019) ‘Making ends meet. Representations of women heritage in European museums’ in Kowalski, K., Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. and Törnquist-Plewa, B. (eds) Narrating Otherness in Poland and Sweden. European Heritage as a Discourse of Inclusion and Exclusion. Berlin: Peter Lang
  • Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. (2016) ‘Democratization as an Aspect of Heritage Europeanization. The Museum Triangle’ in Kowalski, K. and Törnquist-Plewa, B. (eds) The Europeanization of Heritage and Memories in Poland and Sweden. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press
  • Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. (2015) ‘Facebook i facepalm. Kontekstualizacja dziedzictwa w regionalnym muzeum wirtualnym’ [Facebook and facepalm. The contextualization of heritage in a regional virtual museum] in Fiń, A. and Kapralska, Ł. (eds) Sieć pamięci. Cyfrowe postaci pamięci społecznej [The Memory Network. Digital forms of social memory] Kraków: NOMOS
  • Hajduk, J., Idziak, P., Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. and Wacięga, S. (2013) Lokalne Muzeum w globalnym świecie. Poradnik praktyczny [Local museum in a global world] Kraków: Małopolski Instytut Kultury
  • Piekarska-Duraj, Ł. (2012) ‘Stwarzanie” Europejczyków – wyobraźnia symboliczna w szlakach kulturowych Rady Europy’ [‘Creating Europeans – the symbolic imagination in Council of Europe Cultural Routes’] in Włodarczyk, B. and Krakowiak, B. (eds), Kultura i turystyka. Wspólne korzenie. Łódź

Work in Progress:

‘The Curse of/on the Clergy: Backlash Against the Catholic Church in Poland post-2015’

‘Populism, Neo-Traditionalism and the Backlash Against Catholic Church in Post-2015 Poland: the debates around “The Curse” and “Clergy”’