Zdenek Sloboda
Charles University in Prague
‘Homophobia and populist politics in Poland, Czech Republic and Germany’
Within the project, Zdenek Sloboda will contribute to the data collection and analysis of homophobic and LGBTQ-related discourse in Czechia. For several years, he has been involved in the Czech LGBTQ movement both analytically and personally as an advocate for LGBTQ rights and social acceptance. Among others, he has written a book on adolescence and parenting by LGBTQ people and papers on representations of non-heterosexual people in the Czech media. Besides gender and sexualities, his second academic focus is on media literacy and media education, which are also closely related to populism.
Key publications
- Hašková, H. and Sloboda, Z. (2018). ‘Negotiating Access to Assisted Reproduction Technologies in a Post-Socialist Heteronormative Context’. Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 53–67.
- Sloboda, Z. (2016) Dospívání, rodičovství a (homo)sexualita. [Adolescence, Parenting and (Homo)Sexuality.] Pasparta, Praha.
- Sloboda, Z. (2015) ‘Od deviantů k učitelům: neheterosexuální maskulinity v současných českých seriálech’. [From Deviants to Parents: Non-heterosexual Masculinities in Contemporary Czech Television Series.] Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, Vol. 16, Issue1, 23-34.
- Sloboda, Z. (2010) ‘Specifics of the Contemporary Czech Homosexual Community: History, Evolution and Ambivalences’. In Gemma C., F. McQueen, M. Pnacekova and S. Sahli. Examining Aspects of Sexualities and the Self. [eBook] Inter Disciplinary Press, 3-21.