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News and Events

December 2022

Final report: A large-scale ethnography of populism in the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland (30 December 2022)

Publication: Odnosi med Zahodom in Rusijo, ki so pripeljali do vojne v Ukrajini (29 December 2022)

Publication: Contemporary populism and its political consequences: Discourses and practices in Central and South-Eastern Europe (22 December 2022)

Publication: Populist Distortion of the Cultural Heritage of Savski Square, Belgrade (15 December 2022)

Conference: Democracy and Populism: marriage made in heaven or recipe for disaster? (08-09 December 2022)

October 2022

Working Paper: Populist political parties of former Yugoslavia in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall (06 October 2022)

September 2022

Conference: Freedom Writ Large: A Conference On Assaults On Liberties In Europe And What We Can Do About It 29-30 September (26 September 2022)

In the news: War and disinformation: pro-Russian narratives thrive in Hungary as Ukraine fights off aggression (25 September 2022)

Interview: Le mot ‘populisme’ n’a pas le même à l’Est qu’à l’Ouest en Europe (15 September 2022)

July 2022

Interview: Conversations on Illiberalism (13 July 2022)

Blog post: Identity Politics, Kosovo and Energy: Serbia’s Exceptional Stance on Russia’s War in Ukraine (05 July 2022)

May 2022

Seminar: Unmasking Populism: Modalities, Scenarios, and Responses to a Persistent Threat on 19 May 2022 (10 May 2022)

April 2022

Working paper: Russian (hidden and overt) economic, political and cultural influences in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (25 April 2022)

Blog post: Serbia under current EU crude oil and natural gas sanctions (19 April 2022)

Blog post: EU Fatigue, Populist Rebellion and War on Ukraine (19 April 2022)

Newspaper article: ‘In the jaws of Russian oil and gas’ (16 April 2022)

Newspaper article: Samardžić: Rat u Ukrajini razotkrio populiste u mreži Putinovih saradnika (05 April 2022)

Conference: Faces of populism 05-06 April 2022 (04 April 2022)

March 2022

Publication: Contested memories of the East German peaceful revolution: Appeals to 1989 by the populist PEGIDA movement (23 March 2022)

Conference: FATIGUE final conference in Prague 01-02 April 2022 (04 March 2022)

February 2022

Publication: Between the past and the future: Eurosceptic political parties and the EU integration of Serbia (01 February 2022)

January 2022

Publication: Populist Rebellion against Modernity in 21st Century Eastern Europe: Neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism: Research Reflections from Jagiellonian University in Krakow (31 January 2022)

Seminar: Mapping European Populism: Populist authoritarian tendencies in Eastern and Central Europe, and challenges to the EU (30 January 2022)

Work in progress: Comparing techniques to reduce networks of ethnographic codes co-occurrence (18 January 2022)

Working paper: Do inequality, perceptions and economic insecurity usher in political populism? A Pollanyian Approach (11 January 2022)

Talking head: Populism and Karl Polányi (09 January 2022)

Blog post: Polányi, regime change and the demand for populism (04 January 2022)

December 2021

Interview: Is calling someone a populist an insult? (30 December 2021)

Working paper: Comparative analysis of the historical statist development models of East Asia and Latin America (21 December 2021)

Research results: POPREBEL & FATIGUE projects: Populism & illiberalism in Europe (06 December 2021)

Publication: The LGBT movement and national sentiments: The politics of ex/in/clusion in the Serbian LGBT community (04 December 2021)

Blog post: Márki-Zay vs Orbán: Will the 2022 Elections be a Tale of Two Anti-Elitisms? (03 December 2021)

November 2021

Blog post: ‘The Beauty and the Beast: Romanian Young Conservatives against the Western “Seven-Headed Monster”’ (23 November 2021)

Panel discussion: Populist Rebellion Against Europe? Contextualizing the current rule of law crisis in Poland in a European perspective (21 November 2021)

Video: Polish politics – POPREBEL Task 4.4 (20 November 2021)

Fellowship: 2022 short-term research fellowship at Stanford University for Piret Ehin (19 November 2021)

Blog post: Polanyi and Football (17 November 2021)

October 2021

Panel discussion: Populist Rebellion Against Europe? Contextualizing the current rule of law crisis in Poland in a European perspective (05 November 2021)

Blog post: Estonian municipal elections 2021: EKRE increases its popularity (05 November 2021)

Research results: Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism (26 October 2021)

Blog post: Czech elections: despite the Pandora Papers Babiš will be hard to dislodge (05 October 2021)

September 2021

Blog post: German Elections: Right-wing Populist AfD Confirms Strength in the East (28 September 2021)

Publication: Political Street Stickers in Resistance to Biopower in Poland: The Case of Krakow During the 2020 Polish Presidential Election Campaign (15 September 2021)

July 2021

Call for papers: The Populism Seminar (21 July 2021)

June 2021

Article: The silent Russian colonisation of Crimea (29 June 2021)

Blog post: The Prince and the Bear – a fairy tale about nationalism in Romania (26 June 2021)

Blog post: Safeguarding German democracy during the pandemic (25 June 2021)

Blog post: June in Russia: magic mushrooms, dress codes and everyone’s favourite laundry (23 June 2021)

Publication: Die rechtspopulistische PEGIDA in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Virtueller Protest “für unsere Bürgerrechte” (17 June 2021)

Publication: The Representation of Roma in the Romanian Media During COVID-19: Performing Control Through Discursive-Performative Repertoires (08 June 2021)

Publication: Political Performances of Control During COVID-19: Controlling and Contesting Democracy in Germany (08 June 2021)

Article: Transatlantic Islamophobia: PEGIDA before and during the pandemic (03 June 2021)

Fatigue-Poprebel Debate: Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe? on 07 June (02 June 2021)

May 2021

Fatigue-Poprebel Seminar Series: Populist politicisation of history and culture on 15 June 2021 (29 May 2021)

Article: How right-wing populists use food to legitimise their extreme views (21 May 2021)

April 2021

Podcast: Germany’s PEGIDA and Historical Memory on the Far Right (27 April 2021)

Interview: The CARR Interview Series: Michael Cole, CARR’s Head of Doctoral Fellows (21 April 2021)

Hackathon: Masters of Networks 5: networks of meaning between 28 and 30 April (21 April 2021)

Blog post: April in Russia: Russian woman made of salt shakes up Eurovision (19 April 2021)

Call for applications: Post-Doctoral researcher in the project UNPOP – UNpacking POPulism (09 April 2021)

March 2021

Blog post: How the German far Right appropriates ideals of non-violent resistance (25 March 2021)

Working paper: Report on radical right populism in Estonia and Latvia (24 March 2021)

Blog post: March in Russia: Zenit 36 – Covid 19 – can football help defeat the Coronavirus? (22 March 2021)

Fatigue/Poprebel Seminar Series: Populism, Nationalism and Xenophobia in Central and Eastern Europe – 23 March 2021 (16 March 2021)

Call for papers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Populism – 30 June 2021 (10 March 2021)

Podcast: Football vs the far-right in Georgia and pure fitbaw in Scotland (04 March 2021)

February 2021

Working paper: Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism (24 February 2021)

New Publication: Still second-order? European elections in the era of populism, extremism, and euroskepticism (11 February 2021)

January 2021

New publication: Populist tactics: Ramzan Kadyrov’s use of football as a political tool during the 2018 FIFA World Cup (21 January 2021)

Fatigue/Poprebel Seminar Series: Populism in Poland on 02 February (20 January 2021)

CfP: Post-Socialist (dis)Orders (14 January 2021)

FATIGUE and POPREBEL conference section: Explaining Right-Wing Populism in Central and Eastern Europe: Economics, Politics, (Civil) Society and Culture (08 January 2021)

CfP: Legal mobilization under democratic crisis (03 January 2021)

December 2020

Publication: Baltic State: Keeping the Faith in Turbulent Times (25 December 2020)

Publication: Radical right populist entrepreneurs and the use of religious representations through popular culture: George Becali as the ‘Saviour of Romania’ (16 December 2020)

Newspaper Article: Are Poland’s football ultras really supporting the Women’s Strike? (10 December 2020)

Call for papers: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Euro-pe. Between Old Problems and New Challenges (02 December 2020)

November 2020

Publication: Assessing Populism at Europe’s Margins: Pervasive, Performative, Persistent (22 November 2020)

Publication: Populism in Estonia and Slovakia: Performances, Transgressions, and Communicative Styles (22 Novemebr 2020)

Publication: Using the Past in Populist Communicational Strategies: How the Memory of Securitate is Instrumentalised in Romanian Politics? (22 November 2020)

Publication: A Taste of Georgia. Far Right Populism with a Unique Georgian Flavour (22 November 2020)

Newspaper Article: A century after the Trianon Treaty: perceptions of Hungary in Serbia and Croatia (18 November 2020)

Fatigue/Poprebel Seminar Series: Populism and Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (18 November 2020)

Blog Post: What the Pegida movement tells us about divisions within German society (16 November 2020)

Publication: Include me out: theatre as sites of resistance to right-wing populism in Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary (12 November 2020)

Call for Papers: The XXXth Annual ASEAN Conference Nationalism & Crisis (12 November 2020)

Podcast: Studying the Far-Right in Eastern European Football (04 November 2020)

FATIGUE Seminar Series: Populism, Gender and Sexuality in Central and Eastern Europe (02 November 2020)

October 2020

Book Review: The Glass Half-Empty: Debunking the Myth of Progress in the Twenty-First Century by Rodrigo Aguilera (27 October 2020)

Book Review: Politics, Ideology and Fandom: The Transformation of Modern Poland (26 October 2020)

Call for Applications: Third ECPR-ODIHR Winter School on Political Parties and Democracy (14 October 2020)

Blog post: In Controversial Company: Conservatives and Far Right United on German Unity Day (09 October 2020)

September 2020

Publication: Finding the roots of neo-traditionalist populism in Poland: ‘Cultural displacement’ and European integration (05 October 2020)

Publication: Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Polish case (19 September 2020)

FATIGUE in media: Holy war in the city of knives: anti-semitism and football on the streets of Krakow (17 September 2020)

August 2020

Call for Papers: Youth, News and Democratic Engagement (24 August 2020)

Publication: The long shadow of the Treaty of Trianon: Hungary’s struggles with the past (20 August 2020)

Call for Contributions: Can populism enhance democracy or is it detrimental to it? (13 August 2020)

Call for Papers: Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation (01 August 2020)

July 2020

Call for Papers: Radical Right Populism, Religion and Women’s Rights (23 July 2020)

Blog post: It Started Out With A Fish, How Did It End Up Like This? (17 July 2020)

Blog post: LGBT resistance to Polish populism, or “what true Poland looks like”: notes from an LGBT protest in Krakow (14 July 2020)

June 2020

Blog post: The “Good Change”: Polish populist presidential campaign 2015 and now (23 June 2020)

Blog post: Marching On, But Not Together: The Georgian Far Right versus Guram Kashia (18 June 2020)

Publication: Politeja: Europe of Fatherlands? (13 June 2020)

Blog post: Chatham House Common Future Conversation: How Can We Increase Youth Representation in Government? (07 June 2020)

Publication: Speaking for “the European people”? How the transnational alliance Fortress Europe constructs a populist counter-narrative to European integration (04 June 2020)

Call for papers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Populism (01 June 2020)

May 2020

Newspaper article: Pod Tatrami se stmívá: Nová slovenská vláda a snahy o omezování reprodukčních práv (22 May 2020)

Report: Fatigue versus the Corona Virus: Our Experience of the EU Hackathon (23 May 2020)

Blog post: Streets of Rage? Why asking Ukrainians to love their neighbours might show they are still streets apart (11 May 2020)

Blog post: Under lockdown, Germany’s PEGIDA goes to YouTube (07 May 2020)

Blog post: Whither dataveillance? Polish data harvest in times of pandemic (01 May 2020)

April 2020

Blog post: Why the haste? Polish presidential elections, PiS and constitutional conundrum (27 April 2020)

Blog post: Reinventing ways to preserve Easter traditions in Czechia and Romania (25 April 2020)

Blog post: The Orbán Plan (24 April 2020)

Podcast: Hungary, Covid-19 and the Rule of Law (21 April 2020)

Blog post: Polish populism in time of pandemic (20 April 2020)

Blog post: A Familiar Battle in Unfamiliar Times (16 April 2020)

Blog post: Years of political clientelism and cronyism affect Romania’s response during the COVID-19 pandemic (08 April 2020)

Blog post: Follow the Dream or Keep the Faith? The Societal Dilemma at the Heart of Georgia’s Response to Covid-19 (06 April 2020)

Blog post: Dietary Requirements: How Migrants’ Dignity Is Challanged? (05 April 2020)

Conference: Revitalising Democracy in Times of Division—The Role of Social Sciences and Humanities (03 April 2020)

Blog post: Greece: Unequal Treatment of Migrants Before the Law (02 April 2020)

March 2020

Blog post: Germany: is the COVID-19 pandemic weakening the far right? (30 March 2020)

Blog post: The People’s Game: Why Football and Right-Wing Populism Might be the Perfect Match (23 March 2020)

Blog post: Introducing eastern Germany’s far right intellectuals (18 March 2020)

Publication: ‘Wir sind das Volk!’ Representative Claim-Making and Populist Style in the PEGIDA Movement’s Discourse (17 March 2020)

Blog post: Commemoration at the Extremes: A Field Report from Dresden 2020 (15 March 2020)

Publication: The Future of the EU Report: The Polish case by Natasza Styczyńska (13 March 2020)

Call for papers: Democracy and/or Populism: Exclusion, Equality and Disagreement (11 March 2020)

Blog post: Slovakia’s election: Populism for the rule law? (06 March 2020)

January 2020

Report: Co-operation with the DEMOS project (26 January 2020)

August 2019

Blog post: The People’s Game: Why Football and Right-Wing Populism Might be the Perfect Match (25 August 2019)

July 2019

Discussion: Roundtable discussion ‘Populist technologies and the new spectacle of finance’, UCL (03 July 2019)

June 2019

Publication: ‘Identity Politics and Right-Wing Populism in Estonia: The Case of EKRE’ (21 June 2019)

Blog post: Soft Power: Cats, Branding and the Ukrainian Far-Right (20 June 2019)

May 2019

Video: FATIGUE videos now live! A set of four short films explaining the FATIGUE project (15 May 2019)

Blog post: The joker becomes king: what happened in the Ukrainian election and why Chantal Mouffe might also vote for Zelenskiy (14 May 2019)

Blog post: Ukrainian Politics is Like a Box of Chocolates… You Really Never Know What You’re Gonna Get (10 May 2019)